A very important message about COVID Vaccine

COVID Vaccine: OK?

Laura Lee
3 min readJun 25, 2021

“My question is this; if I get the Covid vaccine, will I be OK? I speak to my spirit guides, ascended masters, and angels all the time, but I can’t hear them. So I’m hoping through you that they can answer my question. There’s a long story as to why I’m on the fence, but I’m hoping you all can help me out. Thank you so much for your help!” Cassandra

Laura Lee: Allow me to preface that I’m not a doctor, Cassandra. As a spiritual counselor, I always suggest talking to your physician about medical concerns and then get more than ONE professional’s opinion (THE INTERNET IS NOT RELIABLE SOURCE ~ speak to a live person concerning this critical decision for your physical, mental and emotional health!

I Get The Impression That You’ll Receive All Systems Go For A COVID Vaccine!

I believe that you’re going to be OK by getting the vaccine. No hurry or pressure; do it when it feels right for you to go. I promise it will be crystal clear to you at the right moment!

Yes, you’ve received notice about what could happen, but I don’t get you’re in that percentile. Sure, there will be mild side effects, but nothing you can’t handle. You are stronger than you know ~ and come from good stock. You are all fighters! Dwell on the positive side effects for yourself and your family’s long-term. Boy, you’ll be happy to have it over and de around the time school starts when your clan returns to classes!

Finally, you can’t hear your guides and angels because fear drowns their answers, because you are scared of making the wrong decision. Fear shuts down our receptors for clear guidance and direction. When we hesitate, it means we need more information. Hence, I suggest going beyond my psychic impressions and talk to more than one medical professional to ease your mind.

Doctors’ Encouragement Will Open The Gateway For You To Get Vaccinated COVID!

You can trust guidance when you receive the message that it is OK to proceed with the vaccine by THREE or more reliable sources. I sense that you already have those confirmations to greenlight your safe passage.

Spirit Guides And Your Angels Can Help You Make Very Important Decisions Such As Getting Vaccinated.

I suggest enrolling in one of my Contact Your Spirit Guide or Contact Your Guardian Angel online seminars. Register now because class size is limited. My workshops help you identify how we receive signals from higher forces; guides, angels, and dearly departed. These courses help you make real-world life decisions, such as getting a COVID shot!

I recommend you read my latest post SPIRIT MESSAGE: HOPEFUL as it applies to your question too.

Keep me posted on your journey!

Cassandra’s Response To Laura’s Answer About The COVID Vaccine;

Cassandra: Hi, I have to tell you this just clicked for me after re-reading your email. Between yesterday and today, I have made three doctor’s appointments. I expected them to be quite spread out, but miraculously, they’re all in a row. I have one tomorrow, one June 24, and one June 28.

My train of thought was that these three doctor appointments would give me enough confidence that I am a healthy person and would feel better about taking the vaccine. Before I even made these appointments, I told myself I would wait six months from the time I had COVID for my body to have a break before I even considered the vaccine. Again interestingly enough, June would be the sixth month, and all these appointments take me to the end of that.

I think it’s safe to say this is all lining up exactly as it should, and I should feel confident moving forward. The universe is funny! Cassandra

Tune into your spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee



Laura Lee

Laugh and cry with me. Tune into your spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee for insight, guidance or answers at www.RadioMediumLauraLee.com